Co-ops and Internships
The co-op/internship program allows you to take an apprenticeship-engineering job in industry during the pursuit of the bachelor of science degree in the discipline.
What is the difference between a co-op and an internship?
The duration of the co-op program is a minimum of six continuous months of full-time employment. Partial credit cannot be issued. A maximum of six (6) credits are allowed toward the 130 credits required for graduation. Internships are short-term work experiences, typically full-time during the summer or part-time during the academic year. Three (3) internship credits are allowed toward the 130 credits required for graduation.
What are the requirements?
The co-op/internship program requires: (1) the approval of the Undergraduate Director; (2) good academic standing (2.5 GPA required); (3) a written report from the student upon completion of the internship work experience; and (4) a brief evaluation of the student’s work from the immediate internship supervisor upon completion of the work experience.
Should I participate in an internship or co-op?
If you prefer experimental and practical work to theoretical work, and if you like to work with people (or seeking the experience of working with people), this is the experience for you. If you need money to pay for your education, participation in the internship program is a way to help alleviate your financial problems. Employers and graduate schools value this experience.
Form to sign up for internship/co-op for credit
This is the link to the form:
More Questions Answered
• 1 credit = 4 weeks of full-time work hours (40 hour per week)
• 2 credits = 8 weeks of full-time work hours (40 hour per week)
• 3 credits = 12 weeks of full-time work hours (40 hour per week)The course number for the internship is 14:155:495.
You are encouraged to look for the co-op/internship position on your own. However, you can also meet with your advisor to ask for leads. Positions are e-mailed to students when available. You can also contact the Office of Career Exploration and Success.
In general, no. Co-op/internship credits are those earned from industrial jobs. If you are interested in doing research, register for Department sophomore, junior, or senior research. These do not count as co-op/internship credits.
Guidelines for Co-op and Internship Report and Survey
Students are required to submit three deliverables upon completion of their internship or co-op employment. Please review the specific guidelines here>>