Prof. Dutt has received a $382,260 research award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) REU program titled " Advanced Materials at Rutgers Engineering ".
This project (with Co-PI Prof. O’Carroll from Rutgers MSE) supports the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site in Advanced Materials at Rutgers Engineering. The objective of the NSF-REU activity is to provide unique opportunities to undergraduate students from diverse demographics to conduct state-of-art, interdisciplinary research in the field of Advanced Materials in a nurturing environment. The program features stimulating interactions between students and faculty/mentors, and access to professional development and entrepreneurship opportunities through research. The program takes a holistic approach to enhanced learning by marrying training in research with professional development. This program will recruit students from diverse populations, including from underrepresented groups, who have limited opportunities to perform undergraduate research. The overall goal of this REU program is two-fold: encourage undergraduate students to continue their studies while simultaneously developing their professional and entrepreneurial skills. This goal will have positive long-term impacts on the professional outlook and development of the REU participants. The period of the project is for 1 year. More details are available from the National Science Foundation website.